Felmondó levél angolul – Resignation letter

- A felmondólevél előtt
- A felmondólevél szerkezete
- Példák az egyes szerkezeti elemekre
- Introduction
- Starting the resignation
- Reasoning
- Thanking for the opportunity to work at this company
- Formal information regarding the actual resignation
- Felmondólevél minta angolul
- Útravaló
Sok oka lehet annak, hogy valaki miért szeretne felmondani, de a felmondólevélben ezeket nem kell részletezni (no need to go into detail), mivel ez csak egy formális/hivatalos dokumentum, amely írásban is jelzi a felmondási szándékot.
A felmondólevél előtt
Minden esetben érdemes először szóban jelezni a felettesének (let them know in person), hogy egyrészt ne érje meglepetésként, másrészt pedig azért, mert lehetséges, hogy valamelyik, a femondáshoz vezető probléma tkp. orvosolható, csak a felettese nem tudott meglétéről (they were not aware of the issue/problem), vagy nem tudatosult benne a probléma súlyossága (… or how grave it is).
Az indoklásban, vagy az azt követő részben természetesen érdemes megköszönni a vállalatnál szerzett tapasztalatot és rámutatni arra, hogy miként vált előnyünkre az itt töltött néhány hónap, év, mit tanultunk belőle. A felettesünkkel (supervisor) való jó viszony ápolása, megtartása ugyanis a felmondás ellenére is fontos, hiszem sok munkahelyen az előző munkahelyről kérnek referenciát, és lehetséges, hogy pont a felettesünk fogja azt megírni.
A felmondólevél szerkezete
Mint mindent kötött formáju levélnek, dokumentumnak, a felmondólevél is bizonyos részekből áll, amelyeknek célja és sorrendje kötött:
- bemutatkozás, pozíció megnevezése (introducing yourself, naming the position at the company) – mivel szerepel a fejlécben is, választható, elhagyható
- a felmondás tényszerű közlése (stating the fact of resignation), a felmondási idő megnevezésével
- rövid indoklás (short explanation, providing a reason for resigning)
- köszönet az itt töltött tapasztalatért (thanking for the opportunity to work at the company, describing how it has benefitted you)
- távozással kapcsolatos konkrét információk – pl. felmondási idő letöltése, új kolléga betanítása (formal information, e.g. training the person to fill in the position)
Példák az egyes szerkezeti elemekre
Minden egyes részhez felsorolunk 4-5 lehetséges megoldást, majd azokból összeállítunk egy lehetséges mintalevelet:
- My name is Ferenc Tóth, and I have been working at the Marketing Department for the last 3 years.
Starting the resignation
- Please accept this letter as notice that I will be resigning from my job here at Tesco two weeks from today’s date.
- Regretfully, I must inform you that I need to resign from my position here as office manager.
- I wish to inform you that I am resigning from my position as market researcher for Marketing Insights. My last day of employment will be 16 November, 2018.
- in summary:
- I wish to inform you that I am resigning from my position as [job title] for [name of company you work for]. My last day of employment will be [date].
- I would like to inform you that I am resigning from my position as [job title] for].
- Each year my financial obligations have increased and unfortunately, my salary here has not been able to keep up with these demands.
- As you know, I have recently made several complaints about my recent workload and additional responsibilities. I joined your company as a part time employee with a contract for 20 hours per week. Recently, however, due to the many additional projects which you have given me, I have been working at least 30 hours, including both Saturday and Sunday.
- I have accepted an offer of employment at Marketing Insights as a senior research analyst. Taking up this offer was not an easy decision to make but I felt I was ready for a new challenge in my career.
Thanking for the opportunity to work at this company
- Thank you for the many opportunities I have had with this organisation. I’ve enjoyed being part of your team and have worked alongside some excellent people. I also appreciate the way you have supported me in my personal and professional development over the past 5 years.
- Please accept my thanks for the opportunity to work with you. The guidance you have given me has proved invaluable and has prepared me well for my new position. I have enjoyed the challenges presented here andI sincerely hope that I have returned adequate service for all the benefits that I have received.
- Thank you for the support and the opportunities you have provided me over the course of the last six years. You and our team have created a climate that makes it a pleasure to come to work each morning, and I will miss you all.
Formal information regarding the actual resignation
- Of course, I will be happy to help train a replacement while I am here. The new manager is also free to call me at home or email me with any questions after I leave.
- If I can do anything to help with your transition in finding and training my replacement, please let me know.
- I would be grateful if you could formally acknowledge this email, so that we may begin the process of my resignation.
Felmondólevél minta angolul
Dear Mr Andrews,
Please accept this letter as notice of my resignation from the position of social media manager at Marketing Insights.
Although my employment contract states a required notice period of one month, I would like to reduce this to one week, completing my employment on December 2nd, 2019.
This is due to my responsibilities at the company where I have received a position of social media branch manager and I hope we can come to an amicable agreement regarding my request. I will do everything possible to help my colleagues take over current projects, as well as to train my successor.
I have enjoyed being a part of the team and I am thankful for the opportunities I have received while being at the firm.
Best regards,
Anna Smith
Összegezve tehát fontos, hogy a következő három elv érvényesüljön a felmondó levél megírásakor (crucial to remember the following principles):
- Legyél pozitív kicsengésű és cégnél töltött idő előnyeit és az általa megtapasztalt lehetőségeit domborítsd ki (Stay positive and state only the benefits and opportunities of working for this company)
- Legyél professzionális és ne engedd, hogy a személyes érzéseid elhatalmasodjanak feletted (Stay professional and do not let your personal feelings get in the way)
- Legyél folyamat-orientált és győzödj meg arról, hogy betartod a megfelelő szabályozást (Stay procedure-focused and make sure you follow the right regulations)